Civilian Oversight
Parliamentary Oversight
Lee Berthiaume, "Defence committee rises without report on Vance allegations", The Canadian Press, (21 June 2021). Click here.
Jacques Gallant, "Liberals and Bloc shut down probe of allegations of sexual misconduct in Canada’s military", The Toronto Star, (12 April 2021). Click here.
David Pugliese, "Analysis: Canadian navy inquiry into bondage comments by senior officers shows military can’t be trusted to investigate itself: critics: Details about the case involving the bondage comments were revealed last month to the Commons defence committee by Lt. Cmdr. Raymond Trotter", The Ottawa Citizen, (12 April 2021). Click here.
Michel Drapeau & Joshua Juneau, "Parliament failing to oversee Canadian military", The Hill Times, (31 August 2020). Click here.
Joshua Juneau & Michel Drapeau, "Time for Parliament to legislate control over Canada's military criminal justice system", The Hill Times, (15 January 2018). Click here.
Joshua Juneau & Michel Drapeau, "Parliament should oversee appointment of incoming VCDS", The Hill Times, (30 January 2017). Click here.
Joshua Juneau & Michel Drapeau, "Why's the CF's resistant to transparency, accountability, and oversight?", The Hill Times, (15 August 2016). Click here.
Gilles Létourneau & Michel Drapeau, "Parliamentary control of Armed Forces: a matter of national urgency and public interest", The Hill Times, (18 January 2016). Click here.
Michel Drapeau, "La crise qui agite les Forces armées est devenue une tragédie: l’analyse de Me Michel Drapeau", 45e Nord, (22 juin 2021). Cliquez ici
Auditor General
Joshua Juneau, "Auditor General's Office being ignored on Defence file", The Hill Times, (18 February 2019). Click here.
Michel Drapeau, "Auditor general’s report on sexual misconduct in military: another canon shot, new signal of distress", The Hill Times, (26 November 2018). Click here.
Jacques N. Godbout, "Révélations, scandales: le système de justice militaire s’effondre, deux éminents juristes pressent le gouvernement d’agir", 45e Nord, (24 mars 2021). Cliquez ici.
Michel Drapeau, “Rapport du VG sur Op Honour: autre coup de canon, nouveau signal de détresse », 45e Nord, (20 novembre 2018). Cliquez ici.
Military 'External' Grievance Review Committee
Michel W. Drapeau & Joshua Juneau, "MGERC SHMEMGERC", (July 2020) 27:6 Esprit de Corps 40.