La justice militaire canadienne
Réforme: en général
Lee Berthiaume, “Military's grievance system plagued by backlog, needs urgent reform: retired judge”, The Canadian Press, (2 October 2021). Click here.
Colonel Michel W. Drapeau, “Military justice system’s impasse over Gen. Jonathan Vance shows urgent need for wall-to-wall reform” Global News, (17 September 2021). Click here.
Sean Fine & Janice Dickson, "Canadian military must change how it handles sexual misconduct allegations, retired judge’s report says", ( 1 June 2021). Click here.
Michel W. Drapeau & Gilles Létourneau, with Joshua Juneau & Stéfanie Bédard, Canada's Military Justice System is in a Meltdown: Will Government Act?, Michel Drapeau Law Office (March 2021). Click here.
Michel Drapeau & Joshua Juneau, "How to fix the Canadian Forces' grievance system". The Hill Times, (15 October 2020). Click here.
Gilles Létourneau & Michel W. Drapeau, Behind the Times: Modernization of Canadian Military Criminal Justice, (30 March 2017). Click here.
Michel Drapeau & Gilles Létourneau, "It's time for a civilian review of the military justice system", The Hill Times, (14 November 2016). Click here.
Michel W. Drapeau & Gilles Létourneau, Military Justice in Action: Annotated National Defence Legislation, 2nd edition, Carswell, 2015. Click here to purchase.
Michel W. Drapeau, Joshua M. Juneau, Walter Semianiw, & Sylvie Corbin, Winds of Change, Conference and Debate on Canadian Military Law, Michel Drapeau Law Office, at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law (13 November 2015. Click here.
La Rédaction, "La réforme du système judiciaire militaire est urgente, déclare l’ex-juge Morris Fish", 45e Nord, (20 juin 2021). Cliquez ici.
La Rédaction, "L’armée canadienne à un tournant: une Journée des Forces armées canadiennes sous le signe du défi", 45e Nord, (6 juin 2021). Cliquez ici.
La rédaction, « Me Michel Drapeau analyse les résultats de l’examen par l’ex-juge de la Cour suprême Morris Fish de la Loi sur la défense nationale ». 45e, (1 juin 2021). Cliquez ici.
Michel W. Drapeau & Gilles Létourneau, avec Joshua Juneau & Stéfanie Bédard, Le système de justice militaire du Canada est en voie de s'effondrer: est-ce que le gouvernement va agir?, Cabinet juridique Michel Drapeau (mars 2021). Cliquez ici.
Tribunaux militaires et cours martiales
Husein Panju, "Independence of Military Judges: Military Law (Michel Drapeau)", Lawyered Podcast, Episode 62, (12 May 2021). Click here.
Husein Panju, "Bill C-77 - Summary Trials vs. Courts Martial: Military Law (Michel Drapeau)", Lawyered Podcast, Episode 62, (12 May 2021). Click here.
Lee Berthiau,me. "Military 'playbook' lacks plan for dealing with cases against defence chiefs", The Canadian Press, (24 March 2021). Click here.
Lee Berthiaume, "Military justice system at crossroads as Court hears case on judges' independence", The Canadian Press, (28 January 2021). Click here.
Michel Drapeau & Joshua Juneau, "Time for Canada to abolish military tribunals", The Hill Times, (8 June 2020). Click here.
Lee Berthiaume, “Canada’s military justice system faces constitutionality issues, leaving cases in limbo”, The Canadian Press, (16 October 2020). Click here.
Lee Berthiaume, “Courts martial in limbo as Canada’s military justice system faces new challenge”, The Canadian Press, (16 October 2020). Click here.
Michel W. Drapeau, "Modernization of courts martial: matter of priority", The Hill Times, (15 October 2018). Click here.
Joshua Juneau & Michel Drapeau, "Military rights to be affected by prorogation", The Hill Times, (23 July 2018). Click here.
Michel Drapeau & Gilles Létourneau, "It's time for a civilian review of the military justice system", The Hill Times, (14 November 2016). Click here.
"Surprised and disappointed: military lawyer", CTV News, (26 July 2019). Click here.
Jesse Ferreras & Abigail Bimman, "Canadian victims gain new rights in military courts, they just can't use them yet", Global News, (19 July 2019). Click here.
David Pugliese, “Canadian military’s summary trial system is outdated and unfair, says lawyer”, Ottawa Citizen, (19 July 2019). Click here.
Jacques N. Godbout, "Révélations, scandales: le système de justice militaire s’effondre, deux éminents juristes pressent le gouvernement d’agir", 45e Nord, (24 mars 2021). Cliquez ici.
Michel Drapeau, « Le «casernement» des Cours martiales est contraire aux principes d’une saine justice”, 45e (26 juillet 2018). Cliquez ici
Camille Laurin-Desjardins, "<C'est du jamais vu>: une décision pourrait paralyser la Cour martiale!", Droit-Inc., (8 septembre 2020). Cliquez ici.
Louis-Samuel Perron, "Une décision exceptionnelle risque de paralyser la justice militaire", La Presse, (4 septembre 2020). Cliquez ici.
Jacques N. Godbout, "Justice: réaffirmation éclatante de <l'exception militaire> par la Cour suprême aujourd'hui", 45e, (26 juillet 2019). Cliquez ici.
Dominique La Haye, “De la <poudre aux yeux>, selon Michel Drapeau", Agence QMI, TVA Nouvelles (11 octobre 2016). Cliquez ici.
Agence QMI, "Les militaires n'ont pas à subir un procès devant jury", TVA Nouvelles, (26 juillet 2019). Cliquez ici.
Agence QMI, ""Les avocats de l’adjudant André Gagnon souhaitent faire invalider l'appel du verdict", Le Journal de Montréal, (26 avril 2016). Cliquez ici.
Victimes de crime
Marieke Walsh, “Military’s failure to enact victims’ declaration of rights leaves sexual assault and other crime victims without support”, The Globe & Mail, (30 November 2021). Click here.
Murray Brewster, "Defence department prepares ground for victims' bill of rights - two years after the law passed", CBC News, (14 May 2021). Click here.
Jesse Ferreras & Abigail Bimman, "Canadian victims gain new rights in military courts, they just can't use them yet", Global News, (19 July 2019). Click here.
David Pugliese, “Victims of crimes prosecuted before Canadian military tribunals have few rights”, Ottawa Citizen, (8 February 2016). Click here.
Accès à la justice
Cristin Schmitz, "CMAC awards $10,000 to officer for failed prosecution of his use of double-entendres during training", Lawyer's Daily, (29 April 2020). Click here.
Murray Brewster, "Ex soldier acquitted before military court martial but faces $8,000 legal bill", The Canadian Press, (18 March 2016). Click here.
Cristin Schmitz, “Military appeal court head looks to modernize and improve access”, The Lawyer’s Daily (9 June 2016). Click here.